Category: Data


Minicast by Janne Saarikko

Minicast – the Future of Opinion

Huge and massive amounts of written text and recorded video are available all over the internet. All this flood of information is confusing people, especially media. It is increasingly Now there is a new approach to this. Curated, short audio files from acknowledged influencers. Available to journalists and other media – shortcut to expert and…
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November 20, 2017 0

Robotics and 3D Printing Loosing Fame – Virtual Reality Rocks our World

Our world is full of trends, but what are the most interesting ones with the big masses? I looked at some analytics and compared how popular some technology trends really are. It seems virtual reality really rocks. Robotics, 3d printing, virtual reality or augmented reality? Looking at the search data provided by Google, It seems…
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April 15, 2016 0