Category: Digi


Is Rovio’s Angry Birds brand already bigger than Disney?

A few years back, early 2010, I had a casual chat with Peter Vesterbacka, who just recently had started to drive Angry Birds marketing towards what it is today. We were chatting about how the world is open for those who have dreams  and are crazy, brave and persistent enough. We also talked about how…
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April 25, 2013 0

Business (r)evolution: Material Meets Immaterial

It’s quite clear that there is a huge transformation happening the the world. This means both local and global businesses, and many business owners and leaders are starting to realize that there is a need to do something different to survive. The ones not understanding this early enough are likely to be in trouble very…
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April 20, 2013 0

Huono asiakaskokemus, jonka VR olisi voinut korjata etukäteen

VR:ää monesti haukutaan huonosta palvelusta. Niin varmaan haukuttiin myös tänään monella taholla. Vai mitä luulet? Päivän tilanne. Pääsiäissunnuntain kohtalaisen ruuhkaisen iltapäivän aurinkoisessa säässä taajamajuna Vaasasta Seinäjoelle, lähtöaika 16.25. Mukava ilman paikanvarausta toimiva yhteys, joka on monelle matkustajalle alku eri puolille Suomea päättyvästä matkasta. Seinäjoelta pääsee lyhyillä vaihtoajoilla eteenpäin ainakin kolmeen suuntaan. Tänään junan veturiin tuli…
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March 31, 2013 7

It’s tough to be the window-opener

Windows are great. They normally exist for the purpose of letting light through, for viewing what can be found on the other side of the window and sometimes also as a gateway to a new space. Without the windows world would be a dull place. In the world of business, windows are considered as a…
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January 24, 2013 4

The change is here – some details on my future

Now we know. Couple of weeks ago I wrote about the coming change. At that time I had started a multidimensional transformation process, but couldn’t disclose the details. Today, many parts have been published, and it’s time to open up a little bit. There has also been number of questions already, I am trying to…
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March 14, 2011 2

Change is imminent – resistance is futile

February is ending a very exciting 12-month period for me. During the last year, I’ve had an opportunity to work with some great people from several companies all over the world. Even though I’ve “been around” even before this gig, I managed to learn a lot. I will miss many people and hope to keep…
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February 28, 2011 0