Author: Janne Saarikko


Minicast by Janne Saarikko

Minicast – the Future of Opinion

Huge and massive amounts of written text and recorded video are available all over the internet. All this flood of information is confusing people, especially media. It is increasingly Now there is a new approach to this. Curated, short audio files from acknowledged influencers. Available to journalists and other media – shortcut to expert and…
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November 20, 2017 0

The “I told you so” of predictions

For a long number of years, I’ve been making predictions of what would happen in the future. Sometimes it has been a short term future, sometimes a bit longer reach. I was browsing some of the old stuff I have and decided to take a look at some of those things and how my insights…
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September 8, 2017 1
How to brand toilet paper

How to Brand Toilet Paper?

Toilet paper has been used often as an example of a product that is bulk and very difficult to brand without spending huge amounts of marketing money. Well, for most people this is true, but could you make toilet paper a very unique experience for the consumer? Of course, and there are number of ways…
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August 3, 2017 0

Pause is Alive and Kicking

Pause is an event format that was developed by Kiti Müller and myself back in summer 2014 in Pori. We were frustrated for our numerous short and shallow appearances in front of the audience. Nice, but you never had enough time to really give deep insights to people. So we decided that this needs to…
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February 20, 2017 0
Future workplace of tomorrow's organisation

The Future of Your Organisation?

I believe the way we work will be changed dramatically in the near future. Even though some people are already working in the changed environment with flexible hours, remote working possibility, mobile work and likes, there will be much more change arising. Thus, also new organisation types will arise. Three new organisation types I believe and…
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December 13, 2016 1

Miten tehdä blogista suosittu?

Suosittu blogi. Maailma on täynnä blogisisältöjä. Mutta miten toimia, jotta yksittäisestä blogikirjoituksesta tulee suosittu? Helppoa kuin mikä. Seuraat vaan näitä ohjeita ja ole kärsivällinen. Kyllä se siitä. Valitse kiinnostava aihe Kirjoituksesi pitää olla tarpeeksi kiinnostava aiheeltaan. Jos kirjoitat jostakin sellaisesta, joka ei vaan yksinkertaisesti kiinnosta ihmisiä, olet vaikean urakan edessä. Ei myöskään kannata valita aihetta,…
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November 3, 2016 0