Category: Mobile


Minicast by Janne Saarikko

Minicast – the Future of Opinion

Huge and massive amounts of written text and recorded video are available all over the internet. All this flood of information is confusing people, especially media. It is increasingly Now there is a new approach to this. Curated, short audio files from acknowledged influencers. Available to journalists and other media – shortcut to expert and…
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November 20, 2017 0

Rethinking the Phone Number

I’ve had the same mobile phone number since year 2000. For the past 16 years I have kept my number with me. Something that most people do nowadays. But when can we start doing the same with email addresses and other valuable contact details? Let’s face it. Personal contact information is one of the most…
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June 8, 2016 1

I Shouldn’t Publish This Today

Yes, it’s Friday again. The day that most of the new age white-collar information workers are using to prepare for the weekend after the hard week of meetings, telcos, vidcos, slides, concepts, documents and what have you. A large number of these people are so busy with their work nowadays, that they don’t have enough…
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October 23, 2015 0

How to Do Good Startup Marketing and Get Yourself a Perfect Cappuccino

According to my experience with several hundred startup companies, marketing is not a top quality function in most of them. Marketing is either totally neglected over engineering, R&D, funding, sales and pitching competitions, or marketing is executed by somebody who thinks Marketing101 fully qualifies for full scale market control and world domination. Sometimes this works, most of the time, not. Startup marketing is very, very different from traditional corporate marketing. Startup marketing is very, very different from traditional corporate marketing. Less money, less resources, less rules, less restrictions, less control, less room for failure. Less everything. You can win only by being both analytical and creative at the same time. …

January 14, 2015 0

Sometime2013-kysely: Sosiaalisen median aktiivit uskovat onnelliseen ja intohimoiseen kansalaisvetoiseen tulevaisuuteen

Suomalaiset sosiaalisen median aktiivit kokoontuivat neljättä kertaa perättäin Espoossa järjestettyyn Sometime-tapahtumaan viime lauantaina. Minulla ja Peter Greenillä oli kunnia pitää tapahtuman päätöspuheenvuoro, jonka päätimme toteuttaa hieman poikkeuksellisesti osallistamalla sekä paikallaolijat että etänä tapahtumaan osallistuvat. Halusimme luoda kyselyn avulla kuvaa tulevaisuuden sosiaalisesta mediasta. Kysely toteutettiin Poll Everywhere -palvelun avulla. Vastauksia kysymyksiin tuli neljästäkymmenestä hieman yli sataan…
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May 21, 2013 5

Is Rovio’s Angry Birds brand already bigger than Disney?

A few years back, early 2010, I had a casual chat with Peter Vesterbacka, who just recently had started to drive Angry Birds marketing towards what it is today. We were chatting about how the world is open for those who have dreams  and are crazy, brave and persistent enough. We also talked about how…
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April 25, 2013 0