Pause is Alive and Kicking

Pause is an event format that was developed by Kiti Müller and myself back in summer 2014 in Pori. We were frustrated for our numerous short and shallow appearances in front of the audience. Nice, but you never had enough time to really give deep insights to people. So we decided that this needs to change.
The concept eventually went live in fall 2014 and it was executed as Pause by Office Nomad, together with my fellow office nomads Aku Varamäki and Matthew Jones. We run the event seven times in a row with the topic “future of work”. The feedback was very positive, both the audience and the speakers loved it.
What is it then?
Pause is an event aiming to explore the selected topic deeply and thoroughly. The concept is very simple: There is one interesting guest and one topic – and we always go deep into that topic.
No pecha kucha, no speed dating, no 15 minute quick talks, no round table with 8 speakers. No death by PowerPoint. No dancing. You can expect 90 minutes of in-depth discussion with someone who has a lot of insight.
Pause in the future
And, there will be continuation to the Pause concept. Very soon there will be three different entities organising #pause -breakfast seminars at Maria01 startup community. First ones will kick off already in March. And I will have the honour to chair these events, at least in the beginning.
So, should you have interest in using the #pause concept for discussions with deeper insights, be in touch. I can help you get started and the floor is yours!
To start following the events, follow #pause on Twitter.
#pause – Designed in Finland, executed the world around!
To get an idea about the concept – listen to 81 minutes of Alexander Manu.
Listen to “Pause By Office Nomad – Alexander Manu” on Spreaker.
aku varamäki alexander manu event kiti muller matthew jones office nomad pause toimistonomadi