Minicast – the Future of Opinion

Huge and massive amounts of written text and recorded video are available all over the internet. All this flood of information is confusing people, especially media. It is increasingly
Now there is a new approach to this. Curated, short audio files from acknowledged influencers. Available to journalists and other media – shortcut to expert and influencer insights on various topics.
This format is called Minicast. and it’s about to be announced by Kieku Labs, Helsinki-born media technology company with focus on personalised audio listening stream.
I had an opportunity be among the first to try this out. First, I did my short intro, telling the story behind my concept (In Finnish, sorry)
And soon, my first real minicast is out, suggesting that slowing down change should be criminalized. 😉
I’m really looking forward to see how this will work. I love the idea of easily recording a short opinion piece, that I know the media will have access to. From the media perspective, a collection of these minicasts are a good source of recent comments and insightful experts.
Good luck, Kieku!
audio future of media influencer insight media minicast podcast