Category: Future of Marketing


Your smartphone is my content marketing tool

Marketers are talking about content marketing and how important it is to create content that interests them. But the content should be somehow related the business. So marketers end up creating either cool advertising content or trying to crowdsource something that is not really that interesting. Earlier today i have having an online chat with…
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August 1, 2013 0

Sometime2013-kysely: Sosiaalisen median aktiivit uskovat onnelliseen ja intohimoiseen kansalaisvetoiseen tulevaisuuteen

Suomalaiset sosiaalisen median aktiivit kokoontuivat neljättä kertaa perättäin Espoossa järjestettyyn Sometime-tapahtumaan viime lauantaina. Minulla ja Peter Greenillä oli kunnia pitää tapahtuman päätöspuheenvuoro, jonka päätimme toteuttaa hieman poikkeuksellisesti osallistamalla sekä paikallaolijat että etänä tapahtumaan osallistuvat. Halusimme luoda kyselyn avulla kuvaa tulevaisuuden sosiaalisesta mediasta. Kysely toteutettiin Poll Everywhere -palvelun avulla. Vastauksia kysymyksiin tuli neljästäkymmenestä hieman yli sataan…
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May 21, 2013 5

Startup passion – do you have it?

Working in a startup is always an interesting ride. There is no way of surviving it unless the founders have utmost passion for what they are doing. Not all startup entrepreneurs have passion and not all startups will succeed. The big question is whether you have the team that loves their startup also in bad…
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May 6, 2013 2

Is Rovio’s Angry Birds brand already bigger than Disney?

A few years back, early 2010, I had a casual chat with Peter Vesterbacka, who just recently had started to drive Angry Birds marketing towards what it is today. We were chatting about how the world is open for those who have dreams  and are crazy, brave and persistent enough. We also talked about how…
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April 25, 2013 0

Business (r)evolution: Material Meets Immaterial

It’s quite clear that there is a huge transformation happening the the world. This means both local and global businesses, and many business owners and leaders are starting to realize that there is a need to do something different to survive. The ones not understanding this early enough are likely to be in trouble very…
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April 20, 2013 0

Let’s play a game: A world without big corporations

I challenge you to play a game with me. What would the world be like if there were no big corporations? First we need to define “big corporation” and come up with the rules. Let’s make 25 persons the definition of a “big corporation”, even though it is a very small limit. Let’s call this…
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April 4, 2013 16