Category: Digi


Setä Tubettaa

Miten aloittaa oma YouTube-kanava?

YouTube on tällä hetkellä yksi kohutuimmista sosiaalisen median kanavista. Lähes kaikki ovat käyttäneet sitä ja katsoneet videoita, mutta harvempi on itse tuottanut sisältöä saati perustanut omaa YouTube-kanavaansa. Itse olen aloittanut YouTuben käytön jo vuonna 2006 ja ensimmäinen video on ladattu palveluun jo niinkin aikaisin kuin tammikuussa 2007.  Runsas vuosi sitten aloin kuitenkin miettimään YouTuben systemaattista…
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September 1, 2015 1

Ai kukaan ei osannut edes arvata missä tilanteessa oltaisiin nyt?

“Ei kyllä vuosi sitten osattu ollenkaan ennakoida missä tilanteessa oltaisiin nyt. Kyllä tämä on tullut ihan yllätyksenä.” Kuulostaako tutulta? Tätähän me ollaan kuultu useammastakin suusta tässä viime vuosina ja aikaisemmin. Ei osattu aavistaa, on ollut odottamatonta, historiaan pohjautuvat mallit eivät ole pitäneet paikkaansa. Itse olen mielestäni pystynyt näkemään näitä muutoksia jo vähintään pari-kolme vuotta ennen…
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January 19, 2015 2

How to Do Good Startup Marketing and Get Yourself a Perfect Cappuccino

According to my experience with several hundred startup companies, marketing is not a top quality function in most of them. Marketing is either totally neglected over engineering, R&D, funding, sales and pitching competitions, or marketing is executed by somebody who thinks Marketing101 fully qualifies for full scale market control and world domination. Sometimes this works, most of the time, not. Startup marketing is very, very different from traditional corporate marketing. Startup marketing is very, very different from traditional corporate marketing. Less money, less resources, less rules, less restrictions, less control, less room for failure. Less everything. You can win only by being both analytical and creative at the same time. …

January 14, 2015 0

Reversing the Office Work

It’s always very nice to reverse defaults. Today we are reversing the office work. It’s a default that people spend their working hours at the office or at some other workplace. This has been very valid in the history, because people were parts in a machine that worked in a certain location. Later, it has…
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January 13, 2015 3

Your smartphone is my content marketing tool

Marketers are talking about content marketing and how important it is to create content that interests them. But the content should be somehow related the business. So marketers end up creating either cool advertising content or trying to crowdsource something that is not really that interesting. Earlier today i have having an online chat with…
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August 1, 2013 0

Startup passion – do you have it?

Working in a startup is always an interesting ride. There is no way of surviving it unless the founders have utmost passion for what they are doing. Not all startup entrepreneurs have passion and not all startups will succeed. The big question is whether you have the team that loves their startup also in bad…
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May 6, 2013 2