The Big Hunt – Who Gets the Original Content

The world of social media and that of marketing are in a very interesting phase in their evolution. Do you know what it is and how you need to react to it? Read on.
First, there was the ease of establishing channels practically for free which added the number of alternative channels to be created. Next, people started to curate content. You know, like people who tweet links to interesting articles on Twitter. Then, someone discovered that YOU ARE THE MEDIA and now every brand, company and influencer is creating their own content channels. And this movement is much bigger than the trendy company blog lot of years back.
Ok, what’s the problem, then? The problem is that in order to be a trusted media, you need to publish quite much relevant, high quality, content. And creating that is not that easy or cost-effective. Actually, most players can’t create their own content. They need to borrow it from someone who already created it elsewhere. And this has lead into “media creators” to start asking people for content and promising them more visibility. I for example get requests to allow my content to be syndicated to various places.
I have no problem with this. So if you want to syndicate my content somewhere, feel free to ask. You are more than likely to get a permission.
There is one problem with this, and luckily it’s not my problem. My content is nowadays all original content. I used to syndicate my own content from other sites where I produced my own content, but I stopped doing it.
Why? The problem with syndicated content is that all the algorithms for social media networks and search engines give a very high preference to the original content. So, I’m ok with my original content. But if you are having your media filled with syndicated, non-original content – it’s possible that your SEO and social media virality are not going to get top ratings.
So, there is a big hunt for the original content ahead. Brands and companies need to have loads of original content for their own site (or media) and those with the quality content have keys to success in their hands.
This may be a huge new opportunity for experts who can write and journalists who have expertise in some topic.
Good luck with your hunt. Hope you will find the original content for a price you can afford.